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Showing posts with the label Cloud

How to create AWS Internet Gateway and edit route tables?

A VPC has been created with an address scope, subnets have been created within that scope and EC2 instances have been created in the VPC. Now, you wish to provide your EC2 instances with Internet access. This can be done either by selection "Allocate a public IP" during the instance creation or allocating an Elastic IP to your account and associating the elastic IP to your instance. All this is possible only if you have an Internet Gateway associated with the VPC and the route table having the internet routes (or default route) pointing towards Internet Gateway. Let's create Internet Gateway. Go to Services >> VPC >> On the left pane, under Virtual Private Cloud, click Internet Gateways. Internet Gateway Click on "Create internet gateway", enter the Name tag and "Create" Internet Gateway Now associate the Internet Gateway with a VPC, by clicking on the internet gateway (just created), and Actions: Attach to VPC Attach to VPC In my case s

How to attach an Elastic IP to an EC2 instance

So you have created a VPC and your EC2 instance is ready.. (here I am assuming we haven't configured public IP, while creating EC2 instance). Let us now allocate an Elastic IP address to our AWS account from the Amazon's reserved public IP range. This can be done by Services >> EC2 >> Scroll down the left navigation pane and under Network & Security, click on Elastic IPs . Click on the Allocate Elastic IP address button AWS Elastic IP Once this IP address is allocated, select the Elastic IP, click on Actions and click on "Associate Elastic IP address", as below: Associate Elastic IP with an instance This would bring up the below page which gives an option to select the EC2 instance which this Elastic IP needs to be allocated to. [I have erased my Elastic IP address and the Instance ID] Associate Elastic IP with an instance And that should be it. There is a catch here, however! The above process won't work if there is no Internet Gateway associa

Microsoft Azure - Naming Restrictions

One of the greatest issues that I have faced so far with Azure, is lack of an option to rename a resource, once it has been created. The only way to fix a typo or update the naming convention of the Azure resources seems to be deleting that resource and creating a new one.. The resources I couldn't rename so far are: VNET Subnet Resource Group Network Security Group Load Balancer etc. Note: Please correct me if I am wrong.. I would really love to be wrong on this one..!!

Microsoft Azure - Create Load balancer

Refer this article before starting the configuration Login to your Azure subscription using Click the Portal menu (hamburger icon on the top left of the screen) and locate Virtual Network 3. Click on Create load balancer button and configure the parameters as below: Select the correct subscription (if like me, you have more than one) Select the Resource group (Create new, if you don't already have one created) Name of the LB Region (Azure region where the LB would be created, physically) Type : Public OR Internal. (Azure states: You can use internal load balancers to balance traffic from private IP addresses. Public load balancers can balance traffic originating from public IP addresses.) I am going to use this LB, to access the backend resources via public Internet and hence I am selecting "Public". If I select "Internal", you just have to select the Virtual Network, in which the LB would exist. SKU : Basic or Standard (There are key differe

Microsoft Azure - Create a Virtual Network

Refer this article before starting the configuration Login to your Azure subscription using Click the Portal menu (hamburger icon on the top left of the screen) and locate Virtual Network 3. Click on Create Virtual Network button and configure the parameters as below: VNET Name Address space ( The virtual network's address range in CIDR notation. ) Select the correct subscription (if you have more than one) Resource group (I didn't configure mine earlier, so I "Created New" Location (If you create resource group while creating VNET, both would belong to this location, which should be the case) Subnet Name Address range (Ensure that it belongs to the address space, defined earlier) Keep the other fields to their default values (for now) 4. Click Create, once you have entered all the values and refresh the "Virtual Networks" page. And.. that's it!