Refer this article before starting the configuration Login to your Azure subscription using Click the Portal menu (hamburger icon on the top left of the screen) and locate Virtual Network 3. Click on Create load balancer button and configure the parameters as below: Select the correct subscription (if like me, you have more than one) Select the Resource group (Create new, if you don't already have one created) Name of the LB Region (Azure region where the LB would be created, physically) Type : Public OR Internal. (Azure states: You can use internal load balancers to balance traffic from private IP addresses. Public load balancers can balance traffic originating from public IP addresses.) I am going to use this LB, to access the backend resources via public Internet and hence I am selecting "Public". If I select "Internal", you just have to select the Virtual Network, in which the LB would exist. SKU : Basic or Standard (There are key differe